Facts about Holistic Personal Training

A holistic healing method incorporates treating the entire person rather than just focusing on one ailment.

Nowadays, it is more and more common that a Personal Training embraces the entire well-being of the individual, instead of addressing issues only to the physical body and dietary.

In 1h of session is possible to work on different areas of the body such as the respiratory system through breathing exercises, balance and coordination through Hydrotherapy and Ballet techniques, and strength through isometric exercises. As a result, the combination of all those techniques will increase body awareness and improve focus.

A Holistic healing method also takes place in the cultural and intellectual aspects of the individual, usually by recommendations of specific literature and documentaries about natural healing and the mystic law of cause and effect that permeates our reality.

pilates in the morning

Holistic Personal Training is present 24/7 in our lives, because once we start to look at the big picture, healthy habits will slowly take place and change our behavior and old tendencies.

Alternative therapies such as magic candles, incenses, chromotherapy, mantra recitation  and sound healing to name a few, are part of a holistic approach, creating a relaxing and tranquil atmosphere in some time of our day or week. Besides, those possibilites can turn into habits, changing our routines for the better.

Meeting your Personal Trainer to do outdoor activities is a great strategy to connect with nature and expand the surroundings. Some clients are so committed with a new and conscious lifestyle, that the Personal Trainer also plays the role of a personal assistant, organizing calendars and even grocery shopping with the client for a better and complete experience.

If you think about starting a Holistic Personal Training to improve your quality of life and increase discipline, please give us a call. Our services are private and offered by appointment.


Just one healthier choice a day!

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